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Racine County, Wis., Launches New Website for Mental Health Resources

Network of Care

RACINE, Wis. – Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave announced the launch of a new Network of Care for Children and Family Services website that will serve as a central hub for information on mental health resources and services available within Racine County.

The website, which also can be found at, provides a community directory of behavioral and mental health providers, advocacy tools, a library with more than 30,000 articles about physical and behavioral health, and the ability for users to create a personal folder to save information on services and supports.

In addition to mental health, has information on a variety of other services for children and families, and it serves as a resource for agencies working with families and children. The site was created in partnership between the Racine County Human Services Department and the Improving Children’s Mental Health through School and Community Partnerships project.

“The launch of this website is an important step forward in improving access to mental health care for Racine County residents,” County Executive Delagrave said.

Since taking office in 2015, County Executive Delagrave has prioritized improving mental health services. Over the last four years, the County has increased the number of people served in its outpatient mental health clinic by 600 percent and has expanded mental health services to children by over 400 percent.

“While our work is far from finished, I am tremendously proud of the strides we have made together as a community,” Delagrave said. “I speak on behalf of everyone involved in mental health care in Racine County that our work is just beginning, and that we are committed to an even higher quality of service, greater access to care, and further reducing stigma.”

The Improving Children’s Mental Health through School and Community Partnerships Project is part of an initiative funded by the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment, an eight-year project focused on improving the social emotional health of elementary school students.

For more information about the Network of Care, please contact Pamela Frank at or (415) 458-5900.