You’ll find many new features on your Network of Care Web site. Read on for some of the recent upgrades:
• One of the most common requests we receive is for photos of the products in the Assistive Devices section. We are pleased to announce that the addition of photos has begun. (To see an example, please go to and click on “View Image”). It will be a gradual process, since the database includes more than 19,000 products! But eventually you will see more and more photos in Assistive Devices.
• Also in Assistive Devices, we have enhanced the “Advanced Search by Keyword” function to make it more intuitive and user-friendly.
• In the Legislate section, the list of Bills in Progress is now displayed in groups of five bills for easier browsing as well as location of particular bills. (To view this enhancement, please go to
• In the Resource Finder, we have added a feature for employees who update Netwoark of Care listings on behalf of their agencies. Typically, when someone uses the “Add or Correct Info” function to request a change to a listing, it takes six to eight weeks from the time of the request until the new information appears online. However, with this upgrade, once an agency staff member successfully completes the process, that staff member will have the ability to instantly change the agency’s listing online in the future. This means that instead of being able to update their listings on a monthly basis, authorized agencies now can update their listings in the matter of one day.
• Also in the Resource Finder, each agency description now includes a list of “Other Topics that May Be Useful.” We provide this list to help users find all resources that might be helpful in their search for services. (To see an example of this feature on the San Diego County site, please go to
• Another Resource Finder upgrade involves the Long Description provided in each agency’s listing. Agencies now are able to add lines of space between paragraphs in the Long Description for easier readability.
• Our users also have asked us to add a “date stamp” to each listing in the Resource Finder, to indicate when the most recent update occurred. We now offer this feature on all listings. (To see a date stamp on a Resource Finder listing, please return to the San Diego County example at
We hope you find these upgrades helpful. We are continually working to respond to feedback from our visitors to make Network of Care as comprehensive, effective and user-friendly as possible. If you have any comments or suggestions about Network of Care, please do not hesitate to share them.