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DHMH Launches New State Health Improvement Process Website on Network of Care Platform

May 21, 2014
Network of Care

Baltimore, MD (May 21, 2014) – The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) has launched the new State Health Improvement Process (SHIP) website hosted by Trilogy Integrated Resources LLC on the Network of Care platform at

The goal of the SHIP is to provide a framework for accountability, local action, and public engagement in order to advance the health of Maryland residents. Through the use of statewide and local level data, the SHIP has encouraged the development of Local Health Improvement Coalitions (LHICs). These coalitions are led by local health officers and provide a forum for county health departments, nonprofit hospitals, and community-based organizations to analyze and prioritize community health needs.

“With the launch of? this new platform, we are furthering our commitment to improve the health of every woman, man and child in our state,” said Governor Martin O'Malley. “The SHIP program is an important part of our efforts to expand access to care and reduce health disparities in our communities. The enhancement of this program through the Trilogy application will provide resources directly to those in our local communities who need them most. Together, we can improve health outcomes and a better quality of life for more Marylanders.?"?

Network of Care is a powerful vehicle for improving community health through its ability to integrate many aspects, such as health indicators, data and information, in a user-friendly portal. This new Web-based platform hosts the state-level SHIP website and each of Maryland’s 24 county websites, which can be managed and customized by local health officers to meet the needs of their communities and support their LHIC efforts.

"Marylanders can use this tool to find out about the health of their communities, and public-private health coalitions across the state can communicate with the public on their activities and progress," said Dr. Joshua M. Sharfstein, DHMH Secretary.

Some of the key features and benefits of the Network of Care platform include:

  • A complete, continuously updated array of health indicators, in addition to the 41 SHIP measures, that enable policy makers to assess needs, evaluate local impact and refine strategy.
  • Statewide, interactive geo-mapping that compares all SHIP measures by county.
  • Integration of National Association of County and City Health Officials evidence-based best practices and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention interventions from around the country that have been shown to improve outcomes on various health measures.
  • Sharing of health indicator data via a widget that local hospitals can use to meet the Internal Revenue Service's requirements in the most cost-effective way possible.
  • Supplying policy makers with data that is required to fulfill the needs assessment portion of Public Health Accreditation.
  • Keeping the public informed of the latest developments via SHIP’s social networking platforms, SHIP newsletter, upcoming events and upcoming webinars.
  • A library that contains over 30,000 articles, fact sheets, and reports produced by leading experts and organizations in the health care field and a links section to websites for state and national nonprofits and government organizations related to public health, disease prevention and treatment.

To access the site, go to and click on the “View SHIP site by county” dropdown menu to toggle through each of the 24 county sites. The site is best viewed on Internet Explorer.

For more information, or to schedule a Webcast demo of the Network of Care for Public Health Assessment & Wellness, please contact Bruce Bronzan at or 415-458-5900.