WASHINGTON – Green Education On Line is pleased to announce that it will launch its Sustainability Education Series through Trilogy Integrated Resources, available through their Network of Care eLearning platform, on Nov. 30 during the GOVgreen Conference and Exposition 2011.
Trilogy is excited to offer a training series that can save local governments money and assist them in becoming more environmentally aware with their community planning efforts.
“We have state-of-the-art applications in Call Center and eLearning technology, and we are proud to represent Green Education On Line’s Sustainability Education Series in the marketplace,” said Trilogy CEO Afshin Khosravi. “When we approach our client base, we must have the highest quality curriculum.”
Trilogy’s Network of Care products provide access to information and community-based programs and services in the health and human services arena. Its mission is to help individuals and families find everything they need to make the best, most informed decisions possible regarding care in their lives.
Trilogy also provides highly advanced health data so policymakers and community stakeholders can make the smartest, most cost-effective choices. “The curriculum that Green Education On Line is sharing with us is one we know our clients will want, and we are pleased to launch it at GOVgreen,” Khosravi said.
The Green Education On Line trainings explain sustainability planning techniques; green fleets; water conservation, and energy efficiency in ways that teach implementation and have excellent testing for core competency results.
“Government agencies and municipalities around the country may seek to mandate energy initiatives in the future, as is being done in other countries,” Khosravi said. “Here in the United States, our clients will be ready for proper planning, once they have their employees participate in our training series.”
“Offering Green Education through Trilogy as our education provider to the government sectors is a win-win for both companies,” said Kerry Mitchell, president of Green Education On Line. “Trilogy already has a well-respected place in the government markets. It was important to us when choosing who would represent the curriculum to government, and we couldn’t be more pleased than choosing Trilogy.”
Green Education On Line, based in Tampa, Fla., is on target to educate more than 20,000 professionals in going green by 2013.
GOVgreen 2011 is produced by the Center for Environmental Innovation and Leadership (CEIL), an independent organization designed to facilitate information and education exchange among government professionals charged with identifying, specifying, and buying green goods and services and with the vendors, contractors, and consultants that provide green goods and services.
Trilogy, is the leading information provider in the field of social services, and serves 25 states via the Network of Care.