BOULDER, Colo. – On March 30, Boulder County and its community partners launched a new, comprehensive online resource to help connect members of the community with services and information.
The Boulder County Network of Care provides a single entryway through which consumers and service providers can reach a breadth of services to meet their needs.
Visitors can access the Network of Care at
The Network of Care was developed as part of an effort to address the Boulder County Human Services Strategic Plan’s goal of integrating and coordinating the delivery of human services in our community. Regardless of where visitors begin their search for assistance, the Network of Care helps them find what they need by ensuring that “Any Door Is The Right Door” for those seeking help.
The site’s resources include a fast, comprehensive service directory; easy-to-use library; community message boards; and modules designed for specific audiences. Legislative and advocacy links provide a means to support the Human Services Strategic Plan’s call for increased advocacy for human services.