Direct Care > Fire Safety
Fire Safety
Fire safety and prevention are an important part of caring for older adults in the home setting. People 65 and older are twice as likely to die in a fire than the general population. This program teaches how to reduce the chance of a fire starting in the home, and how to exit successfully if there is a fire. Topics include: smoke alarms, how to extinguish a fire, oxygen equipment, fire safety in the bedroom and kitchen, how to leave a burning building, wrap and slide technique and more. 
Course Objective

Upon completion of this training, the participant will:

• Understand what factors and situations increase fire dangers.
• Learn to identify and correct potential fire hazards in the home.
• Understand how to ensure personal safety if a fire does start.

aQuire Training Solutions aQuire Training Solutions
Medifecta Healthcare Training Medifecta Healthcare Training
$12.95 QTY