Frontline Leadership > LFS06 Frontline Leadership - Program Planning and Monitoring
LFS06 Frontline Leadership - Program Planning and Monitoring
The purpose of program planning and monitoring is to support functions and activities within your agency and ensure that programs are mission driven, outcome focused, effective, and efficient.Current programs and new initiatives should be the result of planning activities which provide a clear statement of program goals and objectives, expected program activities, and identified performance measures that track the program‘s intended outcomes for individuals receiving services.
Course Objective
• Become aware of the format and purpose of the module, the learning objectives of the module, and the key words that will be used. The purpose of program planning and monitoring is to support functions and activities within your Agency and ensure that programs are mission-driven, outcome-focused, effective, and efficient.
• Provide an overview of program planning and the role of the frontline supervisor.
• Provide an overview of program monitoring and the role of the frontline supervisor.

Intended Audience
Direct support professionals, case managers, nursing assistants, health aides 
Author Bio
The Massachusetts Council of Human Service Providers, Inc. also known as Providers’ Council is a statewide association of health and human service agencies. Founded in 1975, the Providers' Council is the state's largest human service trade association and is widely recognized as the official voice of the private human service provider industry. Providers’ Council founded and deployed the first online curriculum and credential programs for direct support professionals and continues to enhance this curriculum with current data and workforce practices.
$22.33 QTY

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