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New Network of Care Program for Homelessness Launches in Texas

Pam Frank

The State of Texas launched the most comprehensive platform aimed at ending homelessness in the country on Feb. 19. With more than 20,000 provider records, a one-of-a-kind guided searchclothing and hygiene assistance, and much more, the Network of Care for Homeless Resources program helps persons at every stage of housing instability, frontline workers, and the rest of the caregiver community combat homelessness by emphasizing local mental-health and substance-use services along with basic needs and social determinants of health.

The Network of Care is poised to assist stakeholders in Texas – the second most populous state in the nation, with the 5th highest homelessness rate – in supporting the unhoused population by offering a user-friendly online program that brings together resources from across the state. Ensuring that all communities have access to all resources available at the local level, this program serves as a national model for state and local authorities seeking to improve the lives of their homeless population. The Network of Care also provides much needed support to outreach workers on the ground.

To learn more about how this breakthrough program can aid your local community, please contact Pam Frank at (415) 257-2407 or